The Managing Director of Actolog Limited, Mr. John Akadu made a factory visit to Makelsan, Turkey; the manufacturers of Makelsan brand of UPS. Makelsan has offered top-notch UPS solution to her numerous clients in different parts of the world in the last 40 years! Over the years, Actolog has grown to be a very reliable representative of the Makelsan brand in Nigeria. Specifically, Actolog has partnered with Makelsan to resolve the thorny challenge of the need for a rugged UPS that can efficiently support elevators with regenerative drives.

In order to take the relationship further, the managing director of Actolog Limited was invited for an extensive factory visit to their ultra-modern factory in Turkey. During this visit, he was able to witness first hand, the technology that goes into producing a state-of-the-arts UPS that clients in Nigeria and other countries in Europe, America, Asia and other parts of the world.

During the visit, the Managing Director of Actolog had an extensive visit of Makelsan factory where various high-end UPS, Stabilizers, Frequency converters, transformers, etc. are produced. He also participated in the factory testing of 250kva UPS for a client from Bangladesh. The visit also afforded him the opportunity to inspect the Actolog Stabilizers and UPS which were manufactured and ready for shipment.


Mr. Akadu had a meeting with the Board Chairman of Makelsan Mr. Ali Aytemiz, the export manager Mr. Selcuk Kapseloglu and other top management staff of the organization. The meeting with Mr. Arif; the head of research and development (R & D) department was particularly informative and it gave him a peek into the newest technology in power management. Actolog was also presented with a distributorship certificate for the whole range of Makelsan product offering in Nigeria. An arrangement was concluded with the head of training Mrs. Sevcan to visit Nigeria within the year in order to conduct training for our local engineers and UPS installers as well as share her global perspective in modern power management.

Makelsan is very proud of her ultra-modern factory and eagerly invite her current and prospective clients to visit her facility. Actolog is already making arrangement with some of her existing clients to participate in the next factory visit later in the year.




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